
Finding Reasons to be Heppy

The Bird and the Bee - Preparedness , all up in my ear (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCAqoMT_mts)

A cup of coffee, perfect temperature & unlimited refills

Fake non-prescription glasses.. so I feel intelligent as I translate the pages of a book yet unreleased in Korea (Dear Undercover Economist)

Boss repeating "50 Cent" over and over again in the background noise to eager Korean listeners as he lectures about the new book he's translated (The 50th Law: Strategy Expert Robert Greene and the Hustler's Mind ...)

And here's a look at the new website I've pretty much finished: (www.intrans.co.kr/main.asp, looks wrong on Macs b/c Koreans are like 99.9% PC/IE users)

Ok I'm satisfied with myself.... for the moment.